Neil Chapman lives in Flagstaff, Arizona with his wife Jennifer Williams and son Joseph.
Neil grew up in South Hadley, Massachusetts, a small western-Mass town along the Connecticut River established in 1775. Heading west for college, Neil received a B.S. from the Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado in 2002.
Neil’s career in forest and fire management began with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) at the Nachusa Grasslands in northern Illinois, supporting the stewardship of tall grass prairie and oak savannah restoration projects. In 2006, Neil returned to the west and began managing conservation projects based out of TNC’s Hart Prairie Preserve. Over time, Neil’s work evolved into supporting TNC’s North America Fire Management Team and developing innovative methods to prep, implement and monitor USFS mechanical timber harvesting operations.
In November 2019, Neil became the Forest Health Supervisor for the Flagstaff Fire Department and Summit Fire & Medical District. Neil leads the Prevention and Preparedness functions of the Dept’s Wildland Fire Management program. Neil manages the Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project and supports collaborative efforts like the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network and the Four Forest Restoration Initiative. Neil is also leading the effort to develop a Prescribed Fire Training Exchange program for northern Arizona that is focused on municipal fire department training opportunities in the wildland urban interface.
Neil is a Board Member of the Friends of Camp Colton and the Greater Flagstaff Forest Partnership.
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