The Greater Flagstaff Area Community Wildfire Protection Plan was approved by the Arizona State Forester, Coconino County, City of Flagstaff, and Ponderosa Fire Advisory Council (representing local fire departments and fire districts) in January of 2005. Jointly developed by the GFFP and PFAC, the plan covered a 939,736-acre area centered on Flagstaff. Working closely with US Forest Service staff and the NAU Forest Ecosystem Restoration Analysis (Forest ERA) program, the CWPP was designed to address the following Goals, Objectives and Principles:
To protect Flagstaff and surrounding communities, and associated values and infrastructure, from catastrophic wildfire by means of:
- An educated and involved public,
- Implementation of forest treatment projects designed to reduce wildfire threat and improve long term forest health, in a progressive and prioritized manner, and
- Utilization of FireWise building techniques and principles.
- Create a healthy and sustainable forest and protect communities by implementing forest treatments designed to reduce the threat of catastrophic wildfire.
- Engage the public by providing opportunities in both preparedness and mitigation efforts.
- Support efforts to establish effective and sustainable methods to utilize small-diameter wood and other forest biomass.
- Promote FireWise building materials and construction techniques, as well as creation and maintenance of defensible properties and neighborhoods.
- Attract necessary funding (appropriations, contracts, donations, grants, etc.) to successfully reduce fire threat.
GFFP was instrumental in the development of the CWPP. This was approved in 2005 and reviewed and revised in 2012 and, we are currently revising the plan again this year.
For the 2012 CWPP report, see: Combined-2012-CWPP-Review-Report
For the 2018 CWPP report, see: CWPP Review Final Sept_10_18_Combined